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Thursday 20 December 2012

Christmas Closing

Please note that our Office will be closed from 17 December to 4 January. Messages can be left on our answerphoine or via e mail. The Cruelty hotline of course will still be open and any cases of cruelty should be referred to them.
As it is Christmas time please think of your pet and follow the 11 rules of Christmas;
 1.    Always supervise interactions between dogs and children and never leave them alone together, A scared dog could bite if they feel threatened.

2.    Make sure your dog has a quiet, cosy spot to retreat to if they become stressed, or want to be alone.

3.    Teach children not to approach your dog when they are sleeping, eating, have a toy or looks worried.

4.    Watch out for guests leaving doors to the outside open. lf your dog escapes they could be hit by a car or get lost.

5.    Beware of the dangers that human treats can have for dogs. chocolate, raisins and grapes are poison to dogs — never feed them the foods.

6.    If you're having turkey (or other poultry) for lunch. don't feed your dog the bones (however much they protest!) as they can cause a choking hazard.

7.    Fireworks frighten many animals. Close all doors and put on some calming music and ensure your dog has a safe place to seek comfort away from noise.

8.    Keep the number of an emergency vet to hand, just in case

9.    If your dog is on medication remember to stock up before the holidays.

10.    Yes, puppies are cute, but they're also very demanding and the reality of owning a dog bought as a gift can kick in quickly. Every year, rescue centres are inundated with animals bought as presents, then abandoned.

11.    If you are considering getting a dog do your research first. Why not wait until after Christmas and give an RSPCA rescue dog a second chance!
And finally we will not be rehoming animals until after Christmas.

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